Tenth Moblog System

What is Tenth?

Tenth is a Moblog System, which empowers the users to update, view and maintain their blogs by mobile phones at any place and any time. Its final goal is to build up a moblog community, in which the users may share their experience and information.

About Us

We are junior students in Software Institute, Nanjing University, China. We hope we will achieve all our initial goals and finish our project successfully .

You can contact us with:

Magic Zha

Songyan Ju

SourceForge.net Logo
Begin to code

April 10th, 2006

We finished designing the whole project yesterday, referring to all the details, including client, server and the database. So my friend and I initiate the coding work today, thought there are still something we are uncertain. We are eager to see the product we are making!

According to the plan, we are going to finish the first version, including all the required functions, in the beginning of May.

The project is during designing stage

April 1st, 2006

After finishing the Requirements and Planning stage, we are now on the Designing Stage. In this stage, we are going to design the whole system, from the outline of main functions to the internal implementation details.

This is a very important stage, so we will pay much attetion on it. And we plan to finish it before April 10th. And after this, we will get down to the implementation.

Tenth Moblog System Powered by Hysteria